Alex Hansen born in Brazil but now residing in Montreal Canada has traveled the world teaching his award winning style of body painting to those interested to learn his unique and fun way of working with the airbrush. Alex has won 1st place at the world body painting festival twice. His first award received in the airbrush category in 2008 with Nix Hererra.
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- Tattoo Like a Pro II
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Iwata Smart Jet Pro 110-120V Airbrush Compressor
The Smart Jet Pro is the ideal compressor for the professional face and body artist. It can be summed up in four words: powerful, reliable, compact, and quiet.
Iwata Smart Jet Pro is equipped with auto shut-off technology, which enables the compressor to shut itself off when not in use. Thi...
Iwata Smart Jet Pro 110-120V Airbrush Compressor
The Smart Jet Pro is the ideal compressor for the professional face and body artist. It can...
1 product