Blue Face and Body Paint and Supplies
- All
- a twist of color
- ab_mu_hybrid_gfxa
- ab_mu_hybrid_pahm
- ab_mu_wp_patai
- ABA Glitter Creme
- ABA Liquid Bling
- ABA Pixie Paint
- airbrush
- airbrush_aging_fx
- alcohol-based-waterproof-airbrush-makeup
- all about dragons
- Anna's Masks
- artist-tools
- Bad ass Stencil tricks
- bal_scft
- balloons
- beauty_eyes_shadow
- Belly Bow Art
- Ben Nye Lumiere Powders
- Ben Nye MagiCakes
- ben-nye
- best-for-face-painting
- best-for-glitter-tattoos
- betallic
- Black Light Madness
- Bling clusters & One Strokes
- Blooming Eyes Designs
- blue
- Body Basics
- bold
- Boys to Men
- bp_abbp_pahm
- bp_cake_gc
- bp_cake_tag
- bp_gg_gg_abalb
- bp_gg_gg_gm
- bp_gg_lg_gpbg
- bp_liquid_mehffxm
- bp_uvnbp
- bp_wpabmu_patai
- bp_wpmu_dips
- brush basics
- butterfly bootcamp
- Character Classics
- cm_cm_bncgc
- cm_cm_gpac
- cm_cm_mfgp
- Colorful Catrinas
- Cosplay Abs
- Crayon
- Creating texture & Realism
- creative cats
- csfx_mu_bncgc
- csfx_mu_gpac
- csfx_mu_mfg
- december delights
- diamond-fx
- diamond-fx-essential-cakes
- Dips
- diversify your butterfly
- Dreamcatching Jewelery
- easter
- elisa-griffith
- endura-alcohol-based-airbrush-makeup-by-european-body-art
- Epic Airbrush Tattoos
- european-body-art
- FAB Face Paint
- fab-hybrid-makeup
- FABAtv
- face-body-makeup
- face-painting-shop-by-brand
- fanciful cats
- Fast Faux Faces
- fbp_aba_lb
- fbp_bennye_cpc
- fbp_bennye_lgcc
- fbp_bennye_magicake
- fbp_bennye_pcc
- fbp_gba_gpbg
- fbp_gc_fp
- fbp_graftobian_abmu
- fbp_kryolan_pas
- fbp_mehron_cbs
- fbp_mehron_ffx
- fbp_mehron_fgp
- fbp_mehron_intense
- fbp_mehron_pgp
- fbp_mehron_starblends
- fbp_soba_dwfp
- fbp_soba_pahm
- fbp_soba_patai
- fbp_tag_mu
- February Special
- Festival_Glitter
- festival_glitter_2
- Festival_glitter_3
- fp_fp_bnmagicake
- fp_fp_dips
- fp_fp_gc
- fp_fp_tag
- fp_gg_gg_abalb
- fp_gg_gg_gm
- fp_gg_lg_gpbg
- fp_pmu_bnl
- fp_pmu_sb
- ftv_andrea_odonnell_hwsd
- ftv_annie_reynolds_rr
- ftv_carmen_chase_uts
- ftv_carmen_chase_ww
- ftv_donna_hofstee_fafm
- ftv_donna_hofstee_fe
- ftv_karen_harvey_fs
- ftv_karen_sawyer_ktso
- ftv_lea_selley_ac
- ftv_leah_reddell_fhgt
- ftv_lilly_walters_sd
- ftv_lynne_jamieson_fp
- ftv_lynne_jamieson_lm
- ftv_macky_itgt
- ftv_marcela_murad_4ojd
- ftv_mark_reid_bm
- ftv_whitney_myers_ec
- Fun & Funky Eye Designs
- Fusion
- Fusion Face Paint
- fusion-body-art
- FX Creations
- gel-glitter
- gg_gg_abalb
- gg_gg_gm
- gg_lg_pbg
- glimmer-body-art
- Glitter Creme
- glitter-bling
- global
- Graffiti Me UV
- graftobian
- graftobian-fx-aire-hybrid-airbrush-makeup
- Grease Makeup
- green
- gt_gl_gpbg
- Hand Painting with Pro Aiir
- Holiday Hustle
- How does the garden grow?
- hybrid-airbrush-makeup
- Kraze
- kryolan
- Kryolan Pressed Powder Compact
- Liquid Makeup
- loose-glitter
- love toons
- Magical Mashups
- Making faces with Cameron
- Making faces with Cameron garrett
- Mama Clown Glitter
- Margi's Favorites
- mehron
- Mehron Celebre Precious Gem Powders
- Mehron INtense Pro Powders
- metallic
- monster mash
- movie villains
- mythical creatures
- Neon
- Not Too Scary Halloween
- pagetypeA
- Painting Paradise
- painting with dips
- paradise
- party animals
- patriotic
- Pearl
- Pencil
- Pencils & Crayons
- pink
- Pretty Petals
- princess bling on the go
- proaiir
- proaiir-airbrush-makeup
- proaiir-hybrid-makeup
- proaiir-temporary-tattoo-airbrush-ink
- promo
- promo applies
- purple
- qualatex
- Queen Of hearts
- red
- Rockin’ Body Art
- She Heroes Unite
- silly-farm-supplies
- Skulltastic
- Smoking Hot Dragons
- solid-colors-for-twisters
- special-fx
- Speed Body Painting-Tips & Tricks
- splice-it
- Sp’eggtacular Easter Designs
- St. Nick’s Christmas
- Starblend Powders
- stencil tricks
- Summer Fun Designs
- tag
- the-art-factory
- theme_hw_uvngbp
- uv-neon
- vivid-glitter
- water-based-paint
1 review
***ALL Electric Neon MC Glitters are UV Black Light Reactive***
Opaque and NOT Shiny. Excellent for Glitter Tattoos, not recommended for Face Painting as it is not shiny.
Mama Clown glitter is a polyester cosmetic glitter excellent for adding that extra touch of sparkle to your face and body art. Mama Clown glitter can be used on the lips, eyel...
***ALL Electric Neon MC Glitters are UV Black Light Reactive***
Opaque and NOT Shiny. Excellent for Glitter Tattoos, not recommended for Face Pain...
1 product