Dutch Bihary has always been a doodler. He got his start in the art world illustrating comic books right out of high school. Over the years, his love of illustrating has evolved and manifested in a wide variety of projects from murals, tattoo flash, and album covers to Special effects makeup on film and music videos. But none does he enjoy more than face and body art. After being unwillingly volunteered by his wife, Brecky, to fill in as temporary face painter at a u-pick pumpkin patch in 2005, he instantly fell in love. He found that his e:h experience as an illustrator translated perfectly to this newly discovered medium. Given his unique art background, and a thorough familiarity with all necessary tools,he then realized that he had a different perspective on the medium and desired to share his love for illustrating through teaching others a wide variety of face and body paint skill sets. Dutch, with his wife Brecky, teach workshops around the country, as well as own and operate, “Contours For the Face and body Artist", Gash FX special effects appliances, and Contours Face and Body Art", their events company still currently services the greater Puget Sound area of Washington State.
- All
- Arty Brush Cakes
- bp_bs_cf
- bp_uvnbp
- brs_cf
- brushes-sponges
- Chisel Brushes
- Cosmic Cuties
- FABAtv
- face-body-makeup
- Fancy Owl Masks
- fbp_sf_abc
- flower-chisel-brushes
- fp_br_cf
- fp_rac_abc
- ftv_brian_wolfe_jp
- ftv_dutch_bihary_b
- ftv_dutch_bihary_be
- ftv_heather_aguilera_bb
- ftv_leah_reddell_faf
- ftv_nick_wolfe_jp
- On The Job One Stroke Designs
- pagetypeA
- Pretty Petals
- promo applies
- royal-brush
- silly-farm-supplies
- special-fx
- theme_hw_uvngbp
- uv-neon
1 product