Join Jay in his newest class all about FX. Learn how to apply, blend and paint a prosthetic for easy Halloween applications using foam latex and special fx tools like a pro! This class is great to get you ready for a busy Halloween season! New to FX? No problem, this class is great for all levels ! Now let's get started!
- All
- ab_guns
- ab_mu_abhaunt
- ab_mu_hybrid_pahm
- ab_mu_sets
- ab_pa
- Adhesives
- airbrush
- Airbrush Clothing Techniques
- Airbrush Gun
- Airbrush Masks with a Twist
- Airbrush Techniques
- airbrush-guns
- airbrush-parts-accessories
- airbrush-sets
- airbrush_aging_fx
- airbrush_compressors_co2tanks
- Bling Adhesives
- bling-adhesives-tools
- blood
- Body Basics
- bp_ar
- Compressors
- compressors-co2-tanks
- Cosplay Abs
- Cosplay Airbrush Designs
- Creating texture & Realism
- elisa-griffith
- Epic Airbrush Tattoos
- FABAtv
- Fantasy Creatures
- Fast Faux Faces
- fbp_soba_pahm
- Fierce Felines Body Painting
- ftv_alex_hansen_bams
- ftv_alex_hansen_ccwa
- ftv_alex_hansen_cdad
- ftv_alex_hansen_sanc
- ftv_andrea_odonnell_hwsd
- ftv_annie_reynolds_pb
- ftv_athena_zhe_aapp
- ftv_cliff_turner_afp
- ftv_cliff_turner_ita
- ftv_deidre_macdonald_pc
- ftv_donna_nowak_cyw
- ftv_donna_nowak_ese
- ftv_donna_nowak_mams
- ftv_jeff_simon_ac
- ftv_jeff_simon_ncat
- ftv_jesse_thoreson_afh
- ftv_jesse_thoreson_fba
- ftv_jesse_thoreson_rhgbp
- ftv_john_place_zl
- ftv_keegan_hitchcock_aa
- ftv_marcio_karam_clbp
- ftv_marcio_karam_qncd
- ftv_matt_valentine_ccd
- ftv_matt_valentine_dtd
- ftv_matt_valentine_ww
- ftv_nix_herrera_dtl
- ftv_nix_herrera_mbp
- ftv_nix_herrera_sf
- ftv_nix_herrera_ss
- ftv_rebecca_arty_brush_aacp1
- ftv_rodrigo_piedra_itbp
- ftv_sammie_bartko_gaf
- ftv_sean_avram_ram
- ftv_wiser_tlap
- FX made EZ
- FX Creations
- FX made EZ
- fx_ar
- Galaxy Body Paint and Techniques
- Glitter Tattoo Adhesives
- gt_ad
- haunt-makeup
- hybrid-airbrush-makeup
- iwata-medea
- mehron
- other
- pagetypeA
- premiere-products
- proaiir
- proaiir-airbrush-makeup
- proaiir-hybrid-makeup
- promo applies
- Removers
- special-fx
- special-fx-adhesives-removers
- stencil tricks
- Tattoo Like a Pro II
- theme_hw_abhmu
- theme_hw_lehfp
4 reviews
Pros-Aide is a mild medical adhesive used to adhere prosthetic applications, gems, glitter, tattoos, nipple covers, and more to the skin! This non-latex adhesive is an excellent alternative to using latex or spirit gum as an adhesive because of the extra hold and quick drying time. Prosaide is safe for all skin types and can be used on sensitiv...
Pros-Aide is a mild medical adhesive used to adhere prosthetic applications, gems, glitter, tattoos, nipple covers, and more to the skin! This non...
1 product