Join the world famous creator of One Stroke, Donna Dewberry, for an introduction to One Stroke face painting. Donna will break down the steps to creating beautiful fresh floral designs, impressive one stroke leaves, and quick tips and tricks to help you master your arty cakes. This class is excellent for any level painter; Donna will walk you through a blossoming world of face and body art.
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Arty Brush and Rainbow Cakes are the #1 product in Face and Body Painting. The Arty Brush Cakes are miniature rainbow cakes that are used with a flat brush or sponge to create amazingly blended designs with one stroke. Arty Brush color combinations are designed to highlight and low light all with one container. Silly Farm exclusive Arty Brush C...
Arty Brush and Rainbow Cakes are the #1 product in Face and Body Painting. The Arty Brush Cakes are miniature rainbow cakes that are used with a f...
1 product