Energetic, self expressive and inspirational are the best ways to describe make-up artist, Karen Sawyer who leads our new painters track. Her pre-convention class aimed at welcoming the aspiring artists into the world of face painting is one of the FABAIC most acclaimed workshops. Her warm and friendly personality insures that all student feel welcome and at ease. The owner and lead artist of Changing Faces 4 Fun, a fantasy make up company that providing outrageous, unique and remarkable face painting entertainment in South Central PA and Baltimore Metro Areas. A native of Maryland, Karen attended Morgan State University, a historically black university, where she received a BA in Marketing. Additionally, she graduated from the makeup artistry program from the prestigious and well-renowned Von Lee International School of Aesthetics. Karen is a published and multi-award winning makeup artist always willing to share her expertise with everyone.
- All
- 4th of July Kits & Paint
- ABA Liquid Bling
- Arty Brush Cakes
- bling
- Bling clusters & One Strokes
- blue
- bp_gg_gg_abalb
- Cameron's festival faces
- FABAtv
- face-body-makeup
- fbp_aba_lb
- fbp_sf_abc
- fp_gg_gems
- fp_gg_gg_abalb
- fp_rac_abc
- ftv_annie_reynolds_dad
- ftv_annie_reynolds_pb
- ftv_annie_reynolds_rr
- ftv_carmen_chase_uts
- ftv_carmen_chase_ww
- ftv_donna_hofstee_fafm
- ftv_donna_hofstee_fe
- ftv_karen_sawyer_cme
- ftv_karen_sawyer_ktso
- ftv_lea_selley_lys
- ftv_lilly_walters_sd
- ftv_lynne_jamieson_fp
- ftv_lynne_jamieson_lm
- ftv_marcela_murad_4ojd
- ftv_marcela_murad_cg
- ftv_marcela_murad_mogp
- ftv_tina_carroll_vm
- gel-glitter
- gg_gems
- gg_gg_abalb
- glitter-bling
- How does the garden grow?
- Magical Masquerade
- making faces with Cameron garrett
- other
- pagetypeA
- patriotic
- Patriotic Power
- Pretty Petals
- promo applies
- silly-farm-supplies
- silver
- Terrific Techniques
1 product