Paradise Makeup AQ is the ultimate face and body make up. It was designed by world renowned artist Jinny. Paradise AQ is a favorite amongst body painters because of its ability to cover the skin with one coat, but comfortable enough to be used as face paint for even the most sensitive customers. Paradise AQ features over 60 amazing shades including earth tones and metallics.
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1 review
This lightweight custom built case is the perfect tool to carry anywhere while providing a professional organized, sleek look. The case includes a foam insert that holds (12) Paradise 40gm cakes. This case looks like the design of a laptop measuring at 12 ¾ inches wide-10 ¼ inches long and 1 ¼ high. This case is a guaranteed necessity if you are...
This lightweight custom built case is the perfect tool to carry anywhere while providing a professional organized, sleek look. The case includes a ...
1 product