- All
- beauty_eyes_shadow
- Black Light Madness
- bp_mbp
- bp_uvnbp
- elisa-griffith
- FABAtv
- face-body-makeup
- fbp_kryolan_pas
- fbp_mehron_intense
- fbp_mehron_mp
- fbp_mehron_starblends
- fp_pmu_sb
- ftv_lilly_walters_sd
- ftv_marcela_murad_ftloa
- fx_mp
- kryolan
- Kryolan Pressed Powder Compact
- mehron
- Mehron INtense Pro Powders
- Metallic Powders
- pagetypeA
- pink
- promo applies
- special-fx
- Starblend Powders
- Starblends on the Farm
- theme_hw_uvngbp
- uv-neon
- zoo fun
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Mehron Metallic Powders are loose powders that can be used dry as a base for a design or mixed with Mixing liquid for line work. Metallic Powders can be used to cover an entire body to give a Metallic look or through an airbrush gun to add an iridescent finish to any flat color.
To Use: Pour small amount of mixing liquid into a lid or mixing co...
Mehron Metallic Powders are loose powders that can be used dry as a base for a design or mixed with Mixing liquid for line work. Metallic Powders ...
1 product