Pro-Acrylic Adhesive is a high-tack contact adhesive used for attaching prosthetics, nipple & bottom covers, gems, and more! The Pro-Acrylic Adhesive is a great alternative to those with latex allergies. To Use: Apply a thin layer of adhesive and wait until liquid turns clear.To Remove: Remove with a dissolvent, baby oil, or rubbing alcohol.
Pro-Acrylic Adhesive is a high-tack contact adhesive used for attaching prosthetics, nipple & bottom covers, gems, and more! The Pro-Acrylic A...
The Proface Nose Adhesive dissolvent is used to break down adhesive used to adhere noses or Pro Shields. Nose adhesive dissolvent breaks down the adhesive and build up that occurs from repeated use of adhesive. To Use: Apply a thin of dissolvent to the area where adhesive was applied and allow dissolvent up to 10 minutes to dissolve.
The Proface Nose Adhesive dissolvent is used to break down adhesive used to adhere noses or Pro Shields. Nose adhesive dissolvent breaks down the ...

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