Face and Body Painting Glitter
Nothing adds that WOW factor like glitter and gems! Silly Farm carries the largest selection of cosmetic glitters that can be used safely around the eyes, lips, applied as a liner, glitter tattoos and for body art. If you need help choosing which glitters are best for glitter tattoos versus face painting make sure to check out the Glitter guide section for all info relating to the differences between glitters.
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2 reviews
The Glimmer Professional The Glitter palette keeps your glitters organized and neat in one easy to carry palette containing 30 pots of our Glimmer Cosmetic Grade Glitter, the Glitter Palette is the perfect tool for those wanting to create colorful glitter creations. Each pot of glitter accommodates up to 50 applications so you have a TON of gli...
The Glimmer Professional The Glitter palette keeps your glitters organized and neat in one easy to carry palette containing 30 pots of our Glimmer...
1 product