The Mehron slim grease pencil is ideal for clown faces, and theatrical make up. The easy to use comfort grease pencil lets you apply grease foundation smoothly and precisely. Grease pencils are made of high quality Mehron grease foundation enclosed in a “plasticized” exterior and can easily be sharpened to a point with the Dual Sharpener by Meh...
The Mehron slim grease pencil is ideal for clown faces, and theatrical make up. The easy to use comfort grease pencil lets you apply grease founda...
Detailz are the best invention since sliced bread! Detailz is part of the Paradise Makeup AQ line by Mehron. They are liquid paint that comes with a tiny brush with felt tip perfect for making dots, use it as liner and to make tiny flowers. Detailz come in handy when making animal dots, quick and impressive flowers, and detail work. With bright...
Detailz are the best invention since sliced bread! Detailz is part of the Paradise Makeup AQ line by Mehron. They are liquid paint that comes with...

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