Sonic BOOM! A Big Blog of Sonic the Hedgehog Inspiration

Sonic BOOM!

by Heather Green

Girl face painting trends are easy to follow. Princesses, butterflies and unicorns are popular year round, where as boy design requests are usually influenced by the latest craze, game, or movie. 

Sonic the Hedgehog isnt new. The popular video game from the early 90's is back with a whole new look and spin. My son's have been obsessed with Sonic for a couple months now and were so excited for the release of the movie. 

I hadn't thought too much about Sonic, until I started getting requests. I tried several different versions and finally came up with one I liked and could knock out quickly. 

Sonic the hedgehog face painting tutorial

Click Here for over 350 Face Painting Tutorials

The great news is that once a design gets popular you will start seeing more and more variations of it across our timeline. I was so inspired by all the posts that I wanted to make a blog to show off all the coolness and give all the Sonic lovers some eye candy. 

It's also helpful to have a place that you can bookmark for the future when you need some super powered inspiration. The Paint Pal/ Silly Farm blog is created just for you. To enjoy, learn, share, and help you reach all your creative goals. 

Below are a bunch of Sonic ideas I have saved from my timeline. If you have a Sonic design you would like to share please email it to me at

Sonic face paint with matching balloons

Sometimes the design and child are so cute you can't help but add a balloon to finish the smile! Thanks Rachael Clark

Onalee is the best

Onalee Rivera is not only one of the most cretaive aritsts she is also one of our favorite teachers. Her channel on FABAtv is a true inspiration. Check out her take on Sonic 

Donna Cox Sonic

The Sonic pose is almost as cute as the Sonic face paint by Donna Cox. Donna is another one of our favorite teachers on FABAtv. She always finds a way to bring out the best features and channel all the coolness. 

Jo Bertram

Sonic Sparks! Jo Bertram all the way from Australia always gives us creative inspiration. This cute Sonic is a great way to make sense of sparkly blue lipstick!  Plus its a great design for those that want see Sonic and not just be Sonic. 

You can also learn form JO on FABAtv, we promise you will drool while watching her fabulous channel. 

 Linnea's Face Painting has no shortage of great ideas and lots of inspiration. Please make sure you are follwing her on Facebook because she is always sharing great ideas and helpful popular designs. Here's her page: Linnea's Page

Many of us follow her for her awesome FX looks and out of the box designs, but once in a while she treats us to her popular kids faces. Zuri FX is killing IG but she recently started adding more to her Youtube channel. When Zuri Paints we all win! 

Click Here to follow Zuri 

Here's the link for her Youtube channel

sonic the hedgehog face paint by Jo bertram

If we could title this pic it would be called Sonic BOOM! The pose, the eyes, the hands all scream awesome! Thank you Fantasy Face Painting for helping us up our game. This design is off the charts awesome. 

sonic the hedgehog face paint

Some designs look really hard until we see them broken down step by step. Thank you Soledad Santos for this awesome tutorial. We can't wait to try the full Sonic classic design. 

sonic the hedgehog face paint

I came across this design on PInterest with no credit. If you know the artist please let me know so I can properly give them credit. 

sonic the hedgehog face paint

True Colors Face Painting shared her own spin on this awesome design and we love it. It looks a design straight out of a comic book . Can't wait to try this version


I almost forgot I made a Tails video until Face Painting by Wandie tagged me in this cutie pic! Not only is the Sonic awesome her tails steals the show. 

Make sure to follow Wandie she is awesome. 

 If you want to be featured in this blog or have a Sonic themed design to share please email me at I would love to add your art to this blog and show you off. 

#sillyfarm loves you and we love to spread #facepainting like butter

Don't forget you can buy the BEST blue for Sonic, as well as everythign face and body art at #sillyfarm

BTW my favorite blue for Captain America, Flags, Sonic and all around best blue is Brilliant Blue by FAB 

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Thanks friends and happy Painting!